Mom life is hard! The mental and emotional pressures of raising our kiddos for the Kingdom in the modern world is never ending. It's so easy to feel stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, resentful, burned out, lost and alone. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you're looking for a place that will show you the way out of your mental and emotional overload, you've found it! 

Renew You is a safe place where you can talk about your challenges, free from judgement, alongside other moms who struggle just like you. And then together we learn how to do the inner work with God to find solutions that will bring about peace and growth. 

And we don't just talk about parenting issues, because every mama knows that life's challenges are not compartmentalized. Everything overflows into everything else. So whether you're struggling with a particular situation with a child, your marriage, critical family members or friends, a difficult relative, fears about your children's future or that you're not doing enough, personal goals or challenges, managing your time/schedule, or anything else, bring it to our live calls each week and get the help you need to move forward with clarity, calm and confidence.

You will learn step-by-step how to take your thoughts captive (2 Corinth 10:5) and reprogram your mind (Romans 12:2) so you can experience God’s transforming power and live out the life you're called to! 

Each week we use the Bible and brain science to understand what really makes us tick. We learn how to live more intentionally to reduce the stress, anxiety and overwhelm that has become our norm, so we can savor this amazing season of motherhood with our kids and have a greater positive impact on them and the world around us for the Kingdom. 

As a Renew You  member you will learn the basic framework I use in coaching to help you actively partner with the Holy Spirit to become aware of your thoughts and deeper beliefs and align them with God's truth. You’ll learn the brain science behind why your thoughts are the key to thriving in life. Then, more importantly, you'll learn tools, including a powerful step-by-step process, for how to be more intentional with them so you can live more fully in the peace and purpose God has for you. 

Renew You  will enable you to ditch the daily overwhelm and anxiety, and experience life on a whole new level. You'll grow in confidence and compassion for yourself (and those around you!), as you learn how to thrive in your day-to-day life!  

If you're looking for community and a coach to help you navigate challenges and help you create a life you love, join us. You won't regret it!

I’m Ang. I’ve been teaching, coaching and mentoring busy mamas with faith and science based principles for over a decade now, and I’ve seen how the power of the gospel combined with faith-based life coaching can radically change lives. 

I created RENEW YOU because I wanted a special place for Christian moms to go to know they're not alone, but also to learn the skills they need to do the inner work to grow.

If you want to feel better, grow in confidence, and experience what thriving looks like in your busy family, then join me.

As a certified Professional Biblical Life Coach, I have extensive training on how to help you overcome the challenges of being a homeschool mom and find deeper fulfillment in your life.

I've done (and continue to do!) this work in my own life, too, and it's enabled me to go from a rigid, Type-A, perfectionistic people pleaser (with lots of baggage!) to a grounded, present living mama who actually finds great joy in the ups and downs of her day-to-day life.

Being a Christian mama feels hard because it is hard.

You know what makes it better?

Having the right tools and knowing you're not alone.

I can help. Join us in RENEW YOU. You won't regret it!


  • $47 / month. Cancel anytime. 
  • Weekly 60 minute group calls on Zoom (replays available).
  • Discount on Private Coaching rates (active members only).
  • Enrollment currently closed. Join the wait list to be notified when the next enrollment period begins!

There's nothing wrong with you, beautiful mama. You just need someone in your corner to help you see your blind spots and learn how to train your thoughts to work for you, rather than against you. 

I know, I've been there. And hands down, nothing has helped me apply God's Word to my life faster and more effectively than working with a Biblical Life Coach. And that's why I became one. The investment I made in myself has paid off a thousand times over! 

Exercise and nutrition can help you improve your physical health. Working with a Biblical Life Coach can help you improve your mental, emotional and spiritual health. 

Why spend another day struggling when you don't have to? 

Let me show you a better way.

Here's what RENEW YOU can equip you to do:

  • Eliminate overwhelm, cope more effectively with stressors, and minimize anxiety
  • Manage frustration and anger in healthier ways
  • Feel more peaceful and optimistic, regardless of your circumstances
  • Improve your relationships with others (yes, even your spouse or kids!)
  • Overcome “Mom guilt” and make time for self-care
  • Get unstuck and create a blueprint with practical action steps toward your goals
  • Gain a greater awareness and clarity around why you do what you do 
  • Reprogram your thoughts so they work for you and not against you
  • Stop negative thinking patterns that derail your good intentions
  • Overcome blocks and barriers that hold you back
  • Make better decisions and feel confident moving forward in them
  • Stop procrastinating and get the important things done
  • Stop self-sabotaging with worry, or fear of failure
  • Tame your inner-critic and develop greater confidence 
  • Deepen your relationship with God 
  • Discover your deeper purpose or calling
  • Understand your identity in Christ more fully
  • Rely on God more consistently to lead and equip you in the day to day life
  • and so much more….
  • A step-by-step process that incorporates the Biblical and scientific principles that will help you "take your thoughts captive" and renew your mind.
  • 60 minute weekly interactive group coaching sessions on Zoom (replays available). 
  • The opportunity to get coached live in the group sessions.
  • Glean from observing others getting coached.
  • A safe place where you can be transparent without fear of judgment.
  • Discounted rate on One-on-One private sessions.
  • Email access for Q&A coaching help in between sessions.

Here's what you get as a RENEW YOU member:

This program is for Christian moms who are tired of living on empty; exhausted from letting negative emotions steal their joy, and want more for themselves and their family.

It’s for moms who want to grow in their Biblical faith to truly experience the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, and feel confident in how God uniquely made them as they raise their kiddos for the Kingdom.

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Feeling STRESSED, OVERWHELMED, LOST or ALONE on your journey?

If you're looking for ongoing support and guidance to help you be the mom you want to be and create a life you love, join me in Renew You, an online community empowering busy Christian mamas like you to solve the challenges of everyday life from the inside out. 

Romans 12:2 says we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. And that's our goal as we meet every week live on Zoom to discuss the obstacles we face and more importantly, a way to find the solutions that will bring us the peace and joy we so desperately long for.