You're in the right place!

I'm Ang, and I'm a Certified Life Coach dedicated to helping Christian women not just survive... 

...but thrive!

I can help you ditch all the unnecessary emotional suffering, 

uncover your unique purpose, and create a life you love!

You will receive notifications of upcoming events, and occasional tips to help you thrive. We never spam. Unsubscribe anytime. :-)

Are you feeling


in your life?

Hey there!

Want to know how??

God's Word says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, and that when we know the truth it will set us free.

Peace comes from aligning our THOUGHTS with Christ. Let me teach you how to take your thoughts captive so you can experience God's transforming power first hand in order to live out the life you were made for!


  • not feeling STUCK, BURNED OUT, or OVERWHELMED again!
  • not stressing out over "all the things".
  • not letting fear dictate your decisions.
  • not letting insecurity hold you back.
  • not letting anxiety drain all your energy.
  • not letting frustration or anger control you.
  • not letting your emotions get the best of you.
  • feeling peace and joy in your daily relationships.
  • feeling confident in what you’re doing, even on a bad day.
  • making time for what feeds your soul without feeling guilty.

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I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about the coaching process, or anything else you want to ask, even if you just need prayer! Sometimes, just knowing we're not alone in our struggles and that we can reach out to someone who gets it is a huge comfort.

Need Help?

Click HERE to email me!

Trust me, it was my own emotional misery that led me to coaching in the first place!

I’ve spent well over 15 years learning Scriptural and (scientifically proven) personal growth principles that helped me bring peace, sanity, and fun back into my busy life, and I want to help you do the same.

Even now, I'm not immune to all the negative thoughts and emotions that my brain tries to offer me. I've just learned how it works and have the tools to manage my thoughts more intentionally so that they can work FOR me rather than against me. ​

Don’t settle for always feeling stressed out and running on empty.

I can help you learn to say goodbye to the overwhelm, hello to your deeper purpose, and create a life you love!

Yes, it really is possible. Join me.

I know what it feels like...

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